Sunday, April 22, 2007

On making of ....

A few words on what I think of me ...

Basically introvert type of person but talk a lot if like the person opposite. A bit moody, emotional and intuitive. Believe in simple living and simplicity. Though very much open minded but have faith in Indian value system.

Look for peace of mind in mysteries of nature and in knowing creations of many known and unknown greats. Also get amused by fineness of dishonesty. A firm believer in the concept of MAYA and stoicism.

"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind."--Burtrand Russel

Einstein is very special to me as whenever i dwell on any confusion abt life, I always find an answer in what he had spoken and the answer is exactly like what i wanted to hear.

On the way ...

I think like every child I also was not rational enough right from my childhood. Rather I was intuitive. At those times i had never felt any sort of conflicts within me. Later I suffered a lot due to haziness of my thinking and beliefs. I was totally confused and moreover in a state of total unrest, also worried. People with their own set of beliefs and ethics and arguments made my circuit burnt out.

The Master ....

Einstein is very special to me as whenever i dwell on any confusion abt life, I always find an answer in what he had spoken and the answer is exactly like what I wanted to hear. I am greatful to him, for helping me loving my life once again. I was searching something adamantly but no one was so clear like him.

When I was a fairly precocious young man I became thoroughly impressed with the futility of the hopes and strivings that chase most men restlessly through life. Moreover, I soon discovered the cruelty of that chase, which in those years was much more carefully covered up by hypocrisy and glittering words than is the case today. By the mere existence of his stomach everyone was condemned to participate in that chase. The stomach might well be satisfied by such participation, but not man insofar as he is a thinking and feeling being.
Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression.
Mistrust of every kind of authority grew out of this experience, a skeptical attitude toward the convictions that were alive in any specific social environment — an attitude that has never again left me, even though, later on, it has been tempered by a better insight into the causal connections.

It is quite clear to me that the religious paradise of youth, which was thus lost, was a first attempt to free myself from the chains of the "merely personal," from an existence dominated by wishes, hopes, and primitive feelings. Out yonder there was this huge world, which exists independently of us human beings and which stands before us like a great, eternal riddle, at least partially accessible to our inspection and thinking.

The contemplation of this world beckoned as a liberation, and I soon noticed that many a man whom I had learned to esteem and to admire had found inner freedom and security in its pursuit. The mental grasp of this extra-personal world within the frame of our capabilities presented itself to my mind, half consciously, half unconsciously, as a supreme goal. Similarly motivated men of the present and of the past, as well as the insights they had achieved, were the friends who could not be lost.

The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has shown itself reliable, and I have never regretted having chosen it.

------------------Albert Einstein's Autobiographical Notes

The Perception...

"Amar-e chetonar rong-e panna holo sobuj

Chuni uthlo ranga hoye.
ami chokh mellum akashe
jwale uthlo alo
pube poschime.
Golaper dike cheye bollum, sundor
sundor holo se.
......"..Rabindranath Thakur


Am I there when a deadbody gets my touch ? Probably not but I am here as my body can feel it when I touch that deadbody. I am Pentium II and you are Pentium III on a same desk. When someone works on us then you run faster than me. That is how I do exist. I am nothing but my consciousness in this body. Neither I know where does it come from nor whether its complete in itself or not.Human brain is programmed to be always busy with something and are always in search of reason for their existence. May be that's our driving force.

The Road...

In their brief sojourn they can live life by two ways-either being completely detached and not taking interest in anything or being passionate. I can't solve the unsolved and unsolvable puzzle of choosing the right path of life and reaching to the ultimate destination. But If u have ever noticed falling leaves or flowers of various shapes from trees then you will aprreciate their dancing during the journey of their fall. Now I think I can end my life without any repentation by enjoying everything being true to myself.

The mode ...

When I became aware of the fact that life can be and is meant to be lived for others then I started to feel happy. When i shifted from mode of rejection to mode of acceptance, suddenly I felt that life is beautiful. When I decided that I will not be sad about the things which I will never get in this life then I found that that haunting unrest is not there.

"THE OUTLIER" (Ref : wikipedia)

In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data. Statistics derived from data sets that include outliers will often be misleading. For example, if one is calculating the average temperature of 10 objects in a room, and most are between 20-25° Celsius, but an oven is at 350° C, the median of the data may be 23 but the mean temperature will be 55. In this case, the median better reflects the temperature of a randomly sampled object than the mean. Outliers may be indicative of data points that belong to a different population than the rest of the sample set.

I feel very happy when some one says or believes in ........

I am a very simple person and I really don't think life is about the I-could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don't mind the failure but I can't imagine that I'd forgive myself if I didn't try.

I believe that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
---- Kartik Tarafder.
A young man, rich only in his doubts and with his work still in progress, accustomed to living in the solitude of work or in the retreats of friendship.
--- Shamasish

I would like to choose someone with whom I can share my insecurities, secrets and with whom I can spend my life.
--- Rahul Bose (Actor)

kiser ato frastu be tor??ato life a chap kiser???prem a porikhhai chhoriechhis...noito aro kichhu jeta bolte parchhisna...are mal jodi prem jai to besh hoechhe...j prem gachhe take torak lafe uthe good bye kor dikhini...porikhhai chhoriechhis mane nischoy regular gat disna...besh koris...rakh to number gulo...or theke dher valo jinispotro achhe onno kichhu jodi bola na jai to bolisna...chepe ja...joldi vule jabi...char dike dekh...akash ta kamon rate a dat kalachhe...abar khanikkhon badei kamon megher moddhhe gomra hoe jachhe...pukur tai tuptap jol porchhe...valo valo cinema gulor notun gan release 24X7 hullat masti korchhe...MIRAKKEL part3 o suru hoe modhhe tui sala vodor pana hoe kano...aktu oth ta chala...fuse hoaar age ektu bindas jol dekhi boss...r pashe to ami achhi e...sala akhono beche achhi j

punoschho: HI HI,"about me" ta mairi puro kothamrito hoe galo,jagge

--- Kaustav bhattacharya (Bhat-acharyo)

All men profess honesty as long as they can. To believe all men honest would be folly. To believe none so is something worse.

John Quincy Adams (1767-1848)

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